adnan's kitchen


  • 1/2 Kg couscous
  •  3/4 kg lamb shanks
  •  2 medium onions
  •  2 carrots
  •  1 potato
  •  1 zucchini
  •  1/2 kg. slice pumpkin
  •  2 turnips
  •  6 medium long green peppers
  •  300 gr.  soaked chick peas
  •  Harisa (hot pepper sauce)
  •  Couscous spices
  •  50 gr. butter
  •  Olive oil
  •  Salt & black pepper corns


Couscous was known to the Nasrid royalty in Granada as well. And in the 13th century a Syrian historian from Aleppo includes four references for couscous. These early mentions show that couscous spread rapidly, but generally that couscous was common from Tripolitania to the west, while from Cyrenaica to the east the main cuisine was Egyptian, with couscous as an occasional dish. Today, in Egypt and the Middle East, couscous is known, but in Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Libya couscous is a staple. Couscous was taken from Syria to Turkey in the 16th century and is eaten in most of the southern provinces.


Adnan's Kitchen
(Traditional North African lamb dish)



  1. Fry meat with onions and olive oil in cooking pot for about 10 minutes.
  2. Add water to cover and let boil with  chickpeas (soaked over-night).
  3. Add salt, black, pepper corns and couscous, spices until half done.
  4. Cut vegetables in medium size pieces and add to pot and cover with water.
  5. Let cook until done, stirring  occasionally  with care to avoid mashing vegetables.
  6. Simultaneously with the above sprinkle the Couscous with water and salt and place in the upper part of the special steam pot (if available).
  7. Place meat and vegetables in the lower part of the pot and steam  removing upper part of pot occasionally  in order to stir the Couscous adding butter in the process.
  8. When all is cooked (after 2- 21/ 2 hrs.) spread Couscous in the serving dish and arrange meat and vegetables on top along with some sauce.
  9. Pour the rest of the sauce in a saucer adding harisa to taste for those who like it hot.
  10. If special steam pot is not available, use precooked Couscous and prepare according to instructions on the box.