adnan's kitchen


  • 1/2 kg. Tagliatelle or Spaghetti
  •  1 kg asparagus
  •  1/2 kg. of peeled shrimps
  •  1 large onion
  •  Hot chilies to taste
  •  1/3 cup olive oil
  •  1/4 kg cream (optional )


Adnan's Kitchen
Pasta ai Gamberi e Asparagi

  1. Boil Asparagus with salt in a big pot almost full of water.
  2. When done, remove them carefully and discard the hard part of the asparagus.
  3. Pour oil in a large frying pan and fry chopped onion until golden.
  4. Add chili and the asparagus to the frying onion and turn well until it blends well.
  5. Add shrimps and let cook for 4-5 minutes adding salt to taste.
  6. In the meanwhile, boil the pasta in the water of the asparagus, adding salt and water in abundance until done al dente.
  7. Pour pasta into the frying pan and let cook with the sauce, turning well for 2-3 minutes.
  8. If cream is to be added, put it in serving dish and dilute it with a cup of the pasta water.
  9. Pour pasta on top of diluted cream in serving dish & mix  well.
    Serve warm.