adnan's kitchen


  •  2 kg.  of sea bass or tough meat fish
  •  2 - 3 large onions
  •  2-3 cups rice
  •  Salt
  •  Oil
  • 1 tbs. cumin
  • a handful of pine seeds to be fried.







Sayyadiya refers to an Arabic dish made of delicately-spiced fish dish served on a bed of rice. The origins of the dish is Egypt.



Adnan's Kitchen
(Spicy fish and rice)



  1. Cut fish into medium slices, and clean inside well with salt then rinse.
  2. Cut the onions fine then fry with very little oil until they turn brown.
  3. Take out onions and keep aside.
  4. Fry fish in the same oil of the onions until done
  5. Place onions in a cooking pan and the head/s of the fish on top.
  6. Wash rice and drop on top of fish heads and fried onions.
  7. Add salt and cumin and salt to taste.
  8. Barely cover with water and let boil, then reduce fire to bare minimum and let simmer for about 20 minutes, time for rice to cook.
  9. Jerk sideways to release contents from sides.
  10. Cover pot with the serving plate and turn up-side-down.
  11. sprinkle the fried pine seeds on top
  12. Place the rest of the fried fish on top.
  13. Serve with tahini sauce mixed with parsley and finely chopped tomatoes