adnan's kitchen


  • One medium size thin blade Cabbage head
  • 1/2 kg minced Meat
  • 2 cups ordinary rice
  • 2 heads Garlic
  • 1 table spoonful of cumin
  • Salt, black pepper and allspice
  • 100 gr. butter or ghee


A cabbage roll (also stuffed cabbage or pigs in a blanket) is a dish consisting of cooked cabbage leaves wrapped around a variety of fillings. It is common to the ethnic cuisines of the Balkans, as well other parts of Europe such as Finland and Sweden, and the Middle East.In Europe, the filling is traditionally based around meat, often beef, lamb, or pork and is seasoned with garlic, onion, and spices. Grains such as rice and barley, eggs, mushrooms, and vegetables are often included. Pickled cabbage leaves are often used for wrapping, particularly in Southeastern Europe. In Asia, seafoods, tofu and shiitake mushroom may also be used and Chinese cabbage are often used as a wrapping. Cabbage leaves are stuffed with the filling which are then baked, simmered or steamed in a covered pot and generally eaten warm, often accompanied with a sauce. The sauce varies widely by cuisine. Always in Sweden and sometimes in Finland, stuffed cabbage is served with lingonberry jam, which is both sweet and tart. In Eastern Europe, tomato-based sauces or plain sour cream are typical. In Lebanon it is a popular plate, where the cabbage is stuffed with rice and minced meat and only rolled to the size of cigar. It is usually served with a side of yogurt and a type of lemon and olive oil vinaigrette seasoned with garlic and dried mint.


Adnan's Kitchen
(Arabic cabbage rolls stuffed with rice and mince meat)



  1. Separate the cabbage blades and wash them then dip them in boiling until soft and manageable.
  2. Lift from boiling water and allow to cool.
  3. Wash rice and mix well with the minced meat, butter, cumin, salt and a pinch of both black pepper and allspice to taste.
  4. Take boiled cabbage blades separately and place a quantity of the rice mix in the center of each blade.
  5. Roll the cabbage around the rice mix the size of a small zucchini closed at both ends.
  6. Peel a whole head of garlic. Stack rolls carefully  in a deep pot adding the cloves of peeled garlic between the rolls.
  7. Place the unpeeled head of garlic in the middle of pot between rolls.
  8. Add water to top the rolls, and let boil with lid closed, then lower the fire to the minimum and let simmer until done and water dries.
  9. Remove pot from fire and jerk sideways to release rolls from sides and bottom of the pot.
  10. Place the serving plate on top of the pot and turn upside-down.
  11. Remove pot carefully so the rolls remain intact. Serve hot