adnan's kitchen


  • 3 Bunches of Parsley
  •  1 Bunch of Green Mint
  •  4-5 Tomatoes
  •  2-3 table spoonfuls of Burghul
  •  2 Fresh sweet onions
  •  3 lemons
  •  Olive oil
  •  Salt




A brief history of Tabbouleh
To the Arabs, edible herbs known as qa?b, formed an essential part of their diet in the Middle Ages, and dishes like tabbouleh attest to their continued popularity in Middle Eastern cuisine today.Originally from the mountains of Syria and Lebanon, tabbouleh has become one of the most popular salads in the Middle East. In Greater Syria, including Lebanon, the wheat variety salamouni cultivated in the region around the Golan Heights, Galilee, Judea and Samaria, Jezreel Valley, Hawran and in Mount Lebanon, Bekaa Valley and Baalbek was considered (in the mid-19th century) as particularly well suited for making bulgur, a basic ingredient of tabbouleh.

Adnan's Kitchen
(Garlic stuffed eggplant)



  1. Soak Burghul in lemon for 2-3 hours.
  2. Chop all vegetables very very fine with a knife and mix well.
  3. Squeeze lemons on mix.
  4. Add salt and olive oil to taste
  5. Eat with lettuce leaves