adnan's kitchen


  • 1 Rabbit cut into pieces
  •  1/2 cup white wine
  •  1/4 cup vinegar
  •  3 cloves garlic
  •  Red hot pepper to taste
  •  1/4 cup olive oil
  •  100 gr. Black Olives
  •  Salt




Adnan's Kitchen
Sicilian Rabbit



  1. Marinate rabbit for 12 hours in white wine ,vinegar, half the quantity of  crushed garlic and the red pepper
  2. After the marination period drain and dispose of  the marination liquids
  3. Put the olive oil in a  frying pan big enough to place the rabbit pieces separately
  4. Heat slightly adding the rabbit pieces together with the rest of the crushed garlic and salt to taste
  5. Let cook on a very low heat for one hour with occasional turning of rabbit pieces every 10 minutes or so.
  6. Add small quantities of  white wine if it dries. Don't cover the pan at any stage
  7. Add the olives and let cook for a further 15-20 minutes or until the rabbit pieces acquire a golden color and become tender
    Serve hot